Die neue LE "Hey, Sailor" von Mac kommt im Mai 2012 in den Handel.
Stechen Sie in See in diesem Sommer mit einer Farb- und einer Bronzing-Kollektion, die dafür gemacht wurden die edelsten Häfen anzusteuern und vor Anker zu gehen. Herausgeputzt mit einer stylischen Matrosen-Streifen-Verpackung tritt eine fabulöse Flotte von Small Eye Shadows, Lipsticks, Lipglass, Powder Blushes, Pigments, Powerpoint Eye Pencils, Pro Longwear Lip Pencils, Nail Lacquers und Zoom Waterfast Lash ihren Dienst an. Wirken Sie sonnengeküsst mit den Bronzing Powders, Pro Longwear Bronzing Powders, High-light Powder, To The Beach Body Oil, Suntints SPF 20 Liquid Lip Balms und dem 167SH Face Blender Brush. M·A·C lädt Sie ein die unbeschwerteste, yacht-igste Kollektion der Saison zu erleben!
Lipstick 18,50€
RED RACER - Bright yellow red (satin)
TO CATCH A SAILOR - Highly frosted tan (frost)
SALUTE! - Neutral peach (amplified)
SAIL LA VIE - Bright mid-tone orange (satin)
Lipglass 16,50€
CUT LOOSE - White gold with pearl
ORANGE TEMPERA - Pale peach (repromote)
RIVIERA LIFE - Bright tangerine
SEND ME SAILING - Bright yellow red
Pro Longwear Lip Pencil 20€
SAUNTER - Pale nude beige
THROW ME A LINE! - Bright true red
SHORE LEAVE Light - vibrant coral
Eyeshadow 17€
CRYSTAL AVALANCHE - White with reflects (veluxe pearl) (permanent)
BAREFOOT - Tarnished gold (veluxe pearl)
JAUNTY - Light yellow beige (frost)
FEELING FRESH - Bright green (frost)
NAUTICAL - Navy Blue (satin)
Pigment 23€
OLD GOLD - High frosted tarnished gold (frost) (permanent)
NAVAL BLUE - Deep smoky blue (frost) (permanent, PRO)
Powerpoint Eye Pencil 16,50€
HANDFORGED - Metallic yellow gold (repromote)
EMERALD SEA - Kelly green
BLUE STRIPE - Dark navy
Bronzing Powder 22€
SOFT SAND - Golden bronze with fine gold pearl
REFINED GOLDEN - Finely spun golden with soft pearl finish (permanent)
Pro Longwear Bronzing Powder 28€
NUDE ON BOARD - Bronzy, yellow tone
SUN DIPPED - Dirty red tone
High-Light Powder 28€
CREW - Soft peachy cream with fine shimmer
Powder Blush 22€
LAUNCH AWAY! - True peach (satin)
FLEET FAST - Pinky, golden coral (satin)
Nail Lacquer 12,50€
VESTRAL WHITE - Creamy white (creme) (repromote)
TOUCH OF RED - Bright yellow red (creme)
GOLD KNOT - Brass gold (frost)
To the Beach Body Oil 24€
SEASIDE - Dirty blushy pink with multidimensional sparkles
MAN RAYS - Glowing tan with multidimensional golden shimmer
Suntint SPF20 Liquid Lip Balm 18€
SEA MIST - Peachy nude with multidimensional pearl
AU ROSÉ - Poppy coraly pink with gold pearl
ABALONE - See through hot pink with no pearl
Brush 167SH Face Blender 42€
Zoom Waterfast Lash Waterfast Black 17,50€
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